Falling copper price affects Peruvian exports


Spanish >> Economy

Last updated on 07/12/2018 – 10:30


By Juan Limachi

LIMA, July 11 (Xinhua) – The decline in Copper prices in international markets and US tariff measures affect Peruvian copper exports, said today the representative of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE) from Peru, Pablo de la Flor.

the head of enterprise, this situation in international markets will have a negative effect on copper exports, which account for about 50 percent of total shipments of Peruvian ore.

"Copper accounts for nearly half of Peruvian mining exports" He told Xinhua at a conference on "Protected natural areas as part of sustainable development in hydrocarbon activities".

De la Flor, former director of the Authority for Reconstruction with Change (ARCC), detailed that Peru is an essentially mining country, and last year it exported copper for worth $ 13.773 million.

"Mineral exports account for about 60% of total Peruvian shipments" De la Flor also argued that this metal had played a good role until before the series of tariff measures implemented during the year. President Donald Trump's administration. "

" The tariff measure, adopted by the US government, came into effect on June 1 and established 25% of imports from the United States. "This has an impact on revenue Export and, also, on the collection of taxes, "said the representative of the company.Peruean entrepreneurs involved in mining and hydrocarbons

Despite the seriousness of the trade war triggered by Trump , De la Flor does not lose the optimism that this crisis will not last long.

"I hope that it will be a short-term effect and that this spiral of confrontation does not last long. is not exacerbated e, should prevail mental health and reason, "he said.

According to the head of the company, before this crisis, Peru's copper and mineral exports have generally been "windy", but in the last two months they have deteriorated.

"And this could lead to a re-release of this very positive situation we had before Trump's trade measures soared, and this has already translated into an increase in the price of copper this year. "he noted.

According to the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru, the country's mining exports totaled 27.74. $ 5 million, accounting for 61.8 per cent of the country's total exports ($ 44.918 million).

In 2017, Peru's copper exports grew by 35.4 percent over the previous year, during which shipments were recorded for $ 10 171 million, according to SNMPE.

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