Family members of a murdered couple in Nariño blame Ecuador and Colombia World


Parents of the Ecuadorian couple abducted in the border province of Esmeraldas and whose remains were found in a tomb of the Colombian department of Nariño criticized the governments of both countries because they say that they did not do anything to save them.

"I blame them for the death of my brother because they did nothing to save them, they left them to their will, they left them alone," he told reporters. journalists. capital of Nariño, Elvia Villacís, sister of Óscar Villacís Gómez one of the murdered.

The director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Colombia, Carlos Valdés, confirmed today that two bodies found in Tumaco, one of the most convulsive regions of Colombia, correspond to Villacís Gómez and Katty Velasco Pinargote after examination of fingerprints.

The authorities of both countries are working According to the Ecuadorian government, the repatriation of bodies is fast and common.

In this regard, Geovana Velasco, Katty's sister, said that she was finishing doing what was needed to repatriate the bodies.

Velasco criticized the government of his country because it "kept them waiting" despite the fact that, according to Legal Medicine, the murder occurred two months ago due to "multiple injuries" caused by "cutting and cutting weapons". thorax. "

" The Ecuadorian government has made us wait, what are we waiting for, that today they tell us that they were already dead for two months, it was so much l & rsquo; Waiting, that we had to wait, be delivered to us in a box, "lamented Velasco.

The abduction of the Ecuadorian couple was reported on April 17 by the government of this country, which has then unveiled a video in which Velasco and Villacís are seen attached and guarded by men armed with rifles.

In the video, the couple claimed that it had nothing to do with the situation of the order public on the border of Colombia with Ecuador and asked the president of that country, ] Lenin Moreno who will help them to find freedom

The Colombian authorities and Ecuadorians attribute their kidnapping and murder to a dissident group of FARC Self-proclaimed against "Oliver Sinisterra", directed by alias "Guacho" .

Source: EFE

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