Fear The Walking Dead 4×09: Announce the release date of the second part | Fourth season | AMC | Video | Cine-series


The first half of Fear's fourth season The Walking Dead, which began with a character seeking refuge by a campfire, ended in nine.

These characters in the series who began their isolated journeys, they unexpectedly collided and suddenly found themselves in an unimaginable position for them: together

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In this final part of The Season will explore who they are today, as individuals and in groups, and how they evolve into teams for the future.

They will face arguments with new adversaries, humans, walkers to nature itself. It will be a journey built with fear, love, love of disappointments, losses and, above all, hope.

Critics have assured that the fourth season of Fear "has completely changed the rules of the game". And according to the notice Comicbook : "deserves to be awarded as one of the best TV shows", Hypable said that "it seems that they gave a second life "and TVLine," blew us off the chair ".

The original series of AMC "Fear the Walking Dead" returns with the second part of the fourth season, consisting of eight episodes, with a new first day, – every Monday – from 13 August at 8:00 pm

It has not been announced yet there will be new characters in the series, but without a doubt will have a great ending according to the last scenes of the first part.

To stay informed of the latest news from The Fear of the Dead, you can visit the site of The República Journal : larepublica.pe/cine-series

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