Fight: Pantera Zegarra and Gino Assereto discuss the live live program | VIDEO | Shows


A moment of tension surprised television viewers on the reality show Combat, after David "the Panther" Zegarra had a live chat with his program partner, Gino Assereto.

The two characters met in the show, after the boxer faced Zumba who allegedly made a mistake in one of the games. Seeing the discussion, Assereto decided to intervene.

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It all started when "Pantera" Zegarra called the cheek Zumba and He said that he should be ashamed of not knowing how to properly participate in combat tests. In this exchange of words is where decides to enter Assereto that, without major problem, tells him textually in the boxer "shame should give you that you are a champion and you lose still […] ".

Zegarra did not wait and immediately told the member of the Green Team: "I have disrespected you at some point, you claim, if you want it, but it (Zumba) does not do it "

Before his words, Assereto told him that he had every right to defend his fellow fighters. "Why not respect Zumba, we are talking about it here," he exclaimed.

The confrontation reached its climax when Zegarra told Gino "You talk to me beautiful" sentence which gave drivers the opportunity to end the discussion by fearing that it would not happen. Happens to the elderly.

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