FIL Lima will present works by 14 Spanish and Peruvian writers | trends


The twenty-third edition of the International Book Fair (FIL) of Lima, which will host Spain, will host an exhibition presenting the most significant objects of fourteen Spanish and Peruvian writers and artists, the Center announced. Cultural Center of Spain (CCE) in Lima

The exhibition will explore the intimate and creative universe of the Spanish Rosa Montero, Sergio del Molino, Marta Sanz, Ray Loriga, Jesus Marchamalo , Maria Arnal and Marcos Giralt Torrente; and Peruvians Gabriela Wiener, Renato Cisneros, Katya Adaui, Luis Jochamowitz, Fernando Bryce, Magaly Solier and José Carlos Aguero.

The exhibition, titled "Objects with History (s)", will be open to the public in the Spanish Pavilion throughout the FIL, which will take place between July 20 and August 5 at Parque de los Próceres, of neighborhood of Jesus Maria.

With objects presented in travel suitcases that connect Spain and Peru, the exhibition is organized by the Peruvian journalist Julio Villanueva Chang, with the museography of the Spanish architect Enrique Bordes .

In accordance with the exhibition there will be three conferences with the owners of the objects presented, all in the auditorium of the FIL Blanca Blanca.

On Friday the 20th, Giralt Torrente, Lóriga and Jochamowitz will speak; Sunday the 22nd will be Montero, Sanz, Bryce and Cisneros; and on Friday the 27th it will be Marchamalo, Wiener, Agüero and Del Molino.

The CCE will have two other exhibitions, one titled "70 Years of Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos", on the occasion of the anniversary of this literary review, and another entitled "A Certain Panorama ( recent author photography in Spain) ", with images of 54 artists

Across the theater there will be an approach to the work of Federico García Lorca through editing" Duende or the crossing of Lorca ", which proposes an imaginary journey in the creative spirit of the famous writer, to be represented at the CCE on the days 21 and 22 July and 4 and 5 August.

Gabriela Wiener and Spaniard José Ovejero will bring their own literary works to the tables of the CCE auditorium.

Wiener will make a representative reading of "What madness I will fall in love with you" on Sunday, July 29, and Ovejero will stage his stories in "What is the Scarcity of Men" on Tuesday, July 31st.

Spanish music will come to FIL through the ninth edition of Guitarfest, the Peruvian International Guitar Festival, which this time moves from the CCE to the Blanca Varela Auditorium of the contest.

Spanish composer and performer of classical guitar and flamenco Marta Robles will present to FIL the latest work "Vente conmigo" on Saturday, July 21st.

In addition, the Spanish duo María Arnal and Marcel Bagés will host the last part of the fair with a performance on Saturday August 4th, two days after giving a master class and a recital at the CCE.

The cinema will also have its space in the FIL with the presentation of the documentaries "Although you do not know it, the poetry of Luis García Montero", Tuesday, July 24; and "Vida y ficción", directed by José Ovejero and Edurne Portela, on Saturday, July 28th.

The Spanish delegation in the FIL will be made up of 47 authors and will exhibit about 500 titles in a 300-square-meter pavilion.

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