Five Relevant Indicators for Controlling Your Company's Cash Flow trends


Photos | Having effective cash flow control allows us to control what they owe us and what we owe. Adequate control of this area allows us to avoid instead of curing, minimize the risks of overdraft, optimize cash positions …, says Isabel Pomar, CEO of Datisa.

According to this expert, "setting up a collection and payment policy to ensure optimal cash flow in SMEs is strategic to stimulate business growth, to know what has come in and when, what is spent and where, and the differences between the two concepts allow the organization to minimize its risk of failure and plan its economic movements (investments, loans, sales, etc.) in advance. "

Datisa considers that it is important to rely on technology to digitize the procedures for managing receipts and payments. With this, "SMEs streamline the process, guarantee the solvency of all stocks, minimize the risk of default and still maintain the company's liquidity on the waterline". Cash is one of the disciplines on which SMEs need to have an impact Know, for example, what their financing structure costs, ie the interest accrued on their lines of credit or short-term loans and in the long term, or analyze their recovery processes. To reduce the margin between the payment due date and its value date, these are just some of the issues that these companies need to consider.

Pomar identifies five relevant indicators to control the management of collection and payment processes in SMEs

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