Flamengo is still waiting for the sanction of Paolo Guerrero


Flamengo still waiting for Paolo Guerrero. The Peruvian striker was able to play the World Cup with the Peruvian national team thanks to the appeal lodged with the Swiss Federal Tribunal, granting him an exceptional measure after the extension of his sanction by the CAS up to 14 months.

The Mengao returns to the competition on Wednesday even in the Brasileirao against Sao Paulo and Mauricio Barbieri wants to know if he can count on Guerrero or not when a month of eliminating the Bicolor is completed in Russia 2018.

After the CBF I did not answer him if he could play from now on, Flamengo started, going to the Sports Court of Brazil to clarify the situation guided by Michel Assef Filho, legal advisor of & # 39; Fla & # 39 ;. 19659002] Although Paolo Guerrero continues to train with the rest of his teammates, it is worth remembering that his continuity at Flamengo is not, much less assured, since ends the contract ximo August 10 so that, if permission is not granted and his contract is not renewed, the & # 39; Predator & # 39; would have already played his last meeting with the Brazilian team.

  Escudo / Bandera Flamengo

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