Flavia Laos was the blonde who marked the life of Patricio Parodi? [VIDEO]


July 18, 2018 4:45 pm

One of the questions he had to answer Patricio Parodi was: What blonde has marked his life? Also, to make the situation more complicated, the panelists who were in the program gave him three options.

Macarena mentioned his Argentine friend Mar, Jamilah to Sheyla Rojas while Flavia was referring to herself, a fact that upset the entire set of "In Boca de Todos". 19659003]

Upon learning that Flavia Laos was nominated, Patricio Parodi had no better idea than to make him a live joke.

"Something I must confess that in the 21st century some people have a lot of self-esteem, with whom I had a long and stable relationship, the truth was with Sheyla, but Flavia must be credited because she was the one who scored the most on my cell phone, "Patricio said.

Before the surprise response of the "warrior," Flavia Laos said that he was still marking his cellphone because he was lost.

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