Flying trains, a dream that could soon become reality


"After the cars will become electric and autonomous, the next big change will take place in planes," said Maurice Ricci, director of Akka Technologies a French company that designed what would be the next big change. The "Link & Fly" program is based on a structure or wagon that will allow passengers to get to the airport from a nearby or alternative railway station and to time of boarding, they would pass under security control

Subsequently, the train would be transferred to the airport, where the wings will be automatically installed to take off .

According to the prototype, the winged train will be 111.5 feet long and 26.2 large. It will also be able to carry up to 162 passengers on board

The Boeing Company is among the main goals of Akka, which seeks to limit its reliance on companies like Airbus and Renault in Europe.

The company exposed the project in a 3D simulation video and drew the interest of potential customers in Asia, said Ricci, without naming a specific company.

Similar to the Airbus A320 in terms of size and use. Akka Link & Fly transport for short-haul flights will be able to remove seats to carry loads in its place.

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