Forensic experts identify another victim of 9/11, 17 years later


The Forensic Office of New York announced this Wednesday that, after 17 years, it has succeeded in identifying another victim of the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 when a terrorist organization demolished the Twin Towers in the United States

Here is Scott Michael Johnson, a financial analyst who was then 26 years old and who worked for Keefe, Bruyette and Woods in the 89th floor of the south tower of World Trade Center . This is the 1,642 victim number to identify. His father belongs to the board of directors of the National Museum in memory of September 11 .

As explained by the Deputy Director of Forensic Biology Office, Mark Desire, to the newspaper The New York Times, up to six times they had tried to d & # 39; 39 identify the remains of the victim, but the specialists could not extract enough DNA.

Desire said that improvements in the techniques of extraction and analysis of DNA samples have helped identify the young. from a bone remainder, almost a year after the last identification of a victim, in August 2017.

Chief Forensic Pathologist, Barbara Sampson, told the chain NBC that Scott's identification is the result of "indefatigable dedication": "In 2001, we engaged with the families of the victims to do whatever was necessary, as long as necessary, to identify their loved ones. "

people died in attacks orchestrated by the terrorist organization al-Qaeda in the World Trade Center of New York, in the Pentagon and nearby Shanksville Pennsylvania and about 1,100 people still to be identified

(With information from EFE).

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