Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn no longer joins a lobbying firm


Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn will no longer join the global lobbying firm Stonington Global LLC, with Flynn's lawyers referring to a "misunderstanding". The Wall Street Journal reports that the company's Flynn agreement is "off" and the release of Stonington was a mistake on his part. "General Flynn has not joined Stonington and has not personally issued a public statement," lawyers Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony said in a statement. "He knew that a statement was being drafted, but he had not intended it to be published yet." Lobbyists Nick Muzin and Joey Allaham told the newspaper on Tuesday that they had started the firm with Flynn Despite the backtracking, they said they "look [ed] before working together." Flynn, the former national security adviser to President Trump, pleaded guilty to lying to federal prosecutors last year in special counsel The probe by Robert Mueller faces six months in prison.

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