Founder of the channel Papa John defends himself after resigning for racist comment


The founder and up to this week the president of the chain of pizzerias John Schnatter, assured this Saturday that the racist comment by which he resigned Thursday "was taken out of context and " by the former corporate marketing agency that he founded in 1984.

" This was not an insult, it was part of the business. a social strategy and media planning and training, taken out of context and distorted, but it does not matter, "said Schnatter in a interview at KRON 4, located in San Francisco (USA).

Schnatter quit his position as chairman of the company that he founded after it was made public that he used the word "black" ("negro") when he was a member of the company. a telephone training conference with the workers.

For this reason, for having used it in a training session, felt that the use of this word "was not libel" . However, he was sorry to hurt people's feelings.

"I hurt people's feelings, that's what matters here, and that's why I'm sorry and I'm disappointed that something like this has happened." Schnatter

He says that they tried to extort it

The founder of the pizza chain explained that the Laundry Service marketing agency, formerly responsible for advertising Papa John tried to "extort money" for the comments and he claimed $ 6 million not to spread his racist comment.

"They tried to extort us and we stood firm, they took what I said and they went to (the magazine) and Forbes printed it and it is became viral. "

The use of the word" negro ", written in the US media as" the word N "(" N word "), has a very negative connotation in the United States. United by symbolizing the painful history of racial segregation of this country.

Before the American Civil War (1861-1865), which resulted in the abolition of slavery, the whites used this word in a derogatory manner to designate their African-American slaves. ( With EFE information)

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