Four of the best mathematics students in the country come from Huancavelica | Peru | Huancavelica


Four teenagers Huancavelica they got the best scores of the XV National Olympiad of School Mathematics organized by the Ministry of Education (Minedu) in order to assess the abilities of high school students to solve problems that arise in different situations.

The laureates were presented today by the Minister of Education, Daniel Alfaro, at a ceremony in the emblematic institution Francisca Diez Canseco de Castilla (Huancavelica).

The director of Minedu congratulated the students for the results of a competition held in all countries, in public and private institutions, and pointed out that three of the laureates are the result of public education.

Emanuel Soto Orteaga, a 5th-year high school student, Carlos Augusto Salaverry (Tayacaja province), ranks first in the state category while Stivens Sánchez of the San Francisco de Asís school (Acobamba) and Francis Quispe from the San Cristobal School (Huancavelica) respectively reached the second and third places. Finally, Elvis Loza, of the César Vallejo School, was third in the private category.

Talented students received recognition medals and gifts from the authorities, as well as the certificates that accredit them as winners of the National Olympiad.

"All Huancavelians should be proud of these guys who have held important positions in the National Mathematical Olympiad and see the future of our country." These achievements are not new for Huancavelicabecause their students have always left the region in the competition, "Alfaro said.

The Minedu chief then participated in the inauguration of the induction workshop for the new mayors of Huancavelica, an event organized by the government throughout the country to prepare future local, provincial and regional authorities for an optimal start of management.

As part of his presentation, Alfaro exposed new mayors to the challenges of educational infrastructure. He reported, for example, that by 2018 the Minedu had been transferred to Huancavelica S / 21 million for 25 projects and only 10% of them were 100% executed. In addition, he warned that 7 projects had not registered any progress.

"Of the 2,550 educational institutions in the region, only 83% indicated the state of their infrastructure, so we know that 40% require improvement." Another problem is that only 13% have legal physical sanitation and therefore, To start your management, your priority will be to make sure that the majority of schools comply with this requirement, as well as to put information on schools at risk, "he said.

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