FPF: Member of the ADFP attacks Edwin Oviedo after recent statements


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The name of Edwin Oviedo was one of the most listened to in the country this weekend after revealing some audios of his conversations with the suspended judge César Hinostroza and l & rsquo; Businessman Antonio Camayo . On Monday in the RPP, the president of the FPF clarified his situation, but his arguments were not enough for some members of the ADFP

Martín Ojeda who is part of the council of the 39, administration of the institution, took the floor for Radio Ovación and is shrieked against the businessman sugar, who asked him to stay away from the Federation to clarify their judicial problems. In addition, he was outraged by what has been said about the so-called "donated" tickets for the 2018 World Cup.

YOU CAN SEE: Edwin Oviedo clarified audios with Judge Cesar Hinostroza [19659007] "We saw the picture Mr. (Antonio) Camayo with accreditation (for the World Cup) and (Oviedo) said that the security let him in. Do you see the unbelievers' face?" Dr. Ojeda enraged.

"Take a step further, no one clarifies the earnings of the Qualifiers and the World Cup, it hurts clubs," added the member of ADFP . YOU MISS: Edwin Oviedo says that Ricardo Gareca has asked that the same team of the FPF remain to renew

It should be noted that he is not the only director or officer who demands the resignation from Oviedo. Yesterday, Vice President of the Federation, Franklin Chuquizuta, called for an emergency meeting with the entire Board of Directors with Cusqueño to put "letters under the table."

Edwin Oviedo made his release by an open letter from the Peruvian Football Federation

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