France in the face of a political crisis


Macron returns the head of security for a scandal

PARIS (EFE) .- The "Benalla affair", unleashed by the aggression against the protesters of a leader of the security of the French presidency posing as a police officer, the biggest political crisis of the mandate of Emmanuel Macron, before suspicions that the government was trying to silence the facts.

Every new information on the scandal bleeds a little more to the president of France and his executive, who are starting to be cornered by a political opposition that already requires immediate resignations.

At the center of the criticism is the Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb, who learned the day after the event, which occurred during the demonstrations on May 1, that the head of Alexander Benalla, Macron's security guard had beaten protesters while they sported insignia and police helmets.

The Elysee reported yesterday that he was going to shoot Bena. lla. For many, the announcement is late

The question that hangs in the air is why the authorities have not brought to justice – as stipulated in the Criminal Code – the alleged crime committed by this member of the nearest circle of the president


After the newspaper "Le Monde" broadcast Wednesday the amateur video that revealed the scandal, the Prosecutor opened a preliminary investigation, for which Benalla was arrested and accused of Acts of violence and usurpation of Functions

Vincent Crase, head of security for the Macron party, who was punctually working for the presidency, was also arrested as Benalla and was allowed to attend the demonstration in quality of "observer".

] The case splashes the first person to Macron's chief of staff, Patrick Strzoda, who testified Thursday in front of the prosecutor's office and who was responsible for the 15-day sanction without employment and the salary with which Benalla was punished when he learned the facts.

Meanwhile, the government is trying hastily to amend everything it did not do while the case remained in the shadows. supposedly disclosed to Benalla the images of their abuses taken by CCTV cameras

But that does not explain why Collomb has not acted with greater force since the beginning.

The Minister, Macron's oldest political ally and the centerpiece in his electoral triumph, will appear next Tuesday in front of the Senate to try to explain his inaction.

The temperature is high around him and several political groups, like the socialists, yesterday called for his immediate resignation.

as the leftist Jean-Luc Melénchon, they came to claim a motion of censure against the government considering that it is the prime minister, Edouard Philippe, the ultimate responsible for this situation.

"Over time, we are experiencing more tremendous things.The situation has worsened: we have gone from a dysfunctional cabinet to a crisis of the state.Today, it does not This is not about Collomb, but of a prime minister who has authorized a parallel police, "told reporters the head of France Insumisa

To twist everything, the data that the French media disclose to their subject Benalla refers to a man extremely close to Macron and who enjoys a series of privileges that require him to question the nature of their relationship.

"Le Monde" publishes today that the man, aged 26, has his home in Luxurious apartments belonging to the Elysee on the banks of the Seine, on the Quai Branly. Ironically, the same place where former President François Miterrand lodged his lover Anne Pingeot and his daughter Mazarine Pingeot.

He also had an official car with driver and, although he was separated from Macron's travels, he was present on the bus to the one that the French team marched on Monday in Paris to celebrate the World Cup.

The president is silent. It is also not known when the issue will be addressed or whether it will come up. The "Benalla affair" has exploited it to the lowest of its popularity, with the support of 39% of French people, according to a survey released yesterday.

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