From another universe! | ABC


California .- Getting to Comic-Con is like traveling to another universe, while thousands of people dressed in their favorite superheroes parading through the hallways of the huge event which takes place in San Diego, California.

Yesterday the International Comic-Con Convention began with big surprises, as actors Sterling K. Brown, Olivia Munn and Keegan-Michael Key ushered in the event with an "intense look" "Following" The Predator ", which will open in September

Before approximately 6,500 people in Hall H, San Diego's largest convention hall, director and coscenarist Shane Black described The film likewise "Later, thousands of people applauded the thirteenth" Doctor Who ", Jodie Whittaker, during her first public appearance since she got the coveted document.

Whittaker is the first woman to play this role, previously played by Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith.

The English actress described her experience at Comic-Con as "noisy" and "unbelievable" and stated that she had "A lot of support." While, already in the s In the evening, Lucasfilm took advantage of the good mood of those present to reveal that "Clone Wars", the popular digital animation series that concluded before the existence of "Star Wars: Rebels", will come back to achieve a In contrast, the trailer of "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" was also broadcast yesterday, in which you can see Goku, Vegeta and Frieza face their new enemy

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