Fuerza Popular denies division between Letona and Vilcatoma | Peru | Politics


The spokesman for Popular strength , Carlos Tubino, denied the existence of a division within his caucus, at the request of the MP Yeni Vilcatoma for expel Letrasula Letona .

During a dialogue with reporters, he indicated that once the complaint received, referrals from both parties would be received, mainly by the defendant, in this case by Letona.

"It does not mean that there is a division in Popular strength , never. I reject it (splitting) because here we see the interpersonal position of a congressional woman who only complains to one person, in this case Ursula Letona"he said.

However, Tubino felt that Letona "was working properly" and had no complaints from a congressman. "We hold together, which corresponds to us at the present time," he remarked.

For his part, Héctor Becerril said that Fuerza Popular members would meet in the coming days to listen to Letona's rebuttals, following which a caucus agreement would be reached.

"The correct thing is that at the committee meeting, we can see the facts and then make a decision," he said.

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