G20 warned against financial risk due to trade tensions and called for stronger dialogue


Ministers of the Economy and Presidents of the Central Banks of the G20 Meeting in Buenos Aires warned Sunday against the risks of "trade tensions" to global growth and called for "strengthening the dialogue."

Although the growth of the world economy remains "robust", the "short and medium term risks have increased" including "l & # 39 increase in commercial and geopolitical tensions "", officials said in the final communiqué of the G20 financial held Saturday and Sunday in the Argentine capital, in the context of the war

The Ministers also made a call to "strengthen the dialogue" to "improve confidence", within a generalized tariff increase after the decision of the Donald Government Trump of impo Additional taxes on imports It is made of steel and aluminum

G20 Meeting

"We recognize the need to strengthen dialogue and actions to mitigate risks and improve confidence ", they note. "International trade and investment are important drivers of growth, productivity, innovation, job creation and development," they say. "We work to strengthen the contribution of trade to our economies" They conclude

The text, in a conciliatory tone, does not refer directly to the commercial war, and is closer to the European declarations that they seek to build bridges to avoid an escalation, that to the more difficult position exposed by United States the weekend.

(With information from the AFP)

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