GIEI asks for guarantees to investigate deaths • El Nuevo Diario


During its first day of work, the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), Nicaragua, asked the authorities to provide "basic and essential documentation" for the opening of Violence investigations It was declared by Amérigo Incalcaterra, a member of the GIEI, during the reading of the first statement of the group of experts, who officially settled in Managua on Tuesday, although they started their work. Monday, July 2nd.

The Italian jurist pointed out that one of the commitments made by the Nicaraguan government with the GIEI is that he would have access to the files of the Public Prosecutor, to public information and, in addition, the guarantees of having facilities, the infrastructure, the resources and the means necessary for the experts to perform their work.

[19659003] Yesterday, Sofía Macher, Claudia Paz y Paz and Pablo Parenti, all "high-level technical persons and recognized trajectories in the protection of human rights", were presented, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). , the body in charge of the selection of the group.

In the presentation of the installation of the GIEI, Paulo Abrão, executive secretary of the IACHR, also participated; Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur for Nicaragua before the IACHR; and María Claudia Pulido, Deputy Executive Secretary of the IACHR


Incalterra emphasized that she would support investigations into the events of violence in Nicaragua and would recommend actions to the authorities, so that an attention and a complete repair can be guaranteed. Victims and those close to them are the two main functions of the GIEI, which will operate in the country in the next six months.

"Our commitment is to the victims, to those who commit to the truth, beyond who are their perpetrators, access to justice, reparation and the guarantee of non-repetition. "said the expert.

Maria Claudia Pulido declared El Nuevo Diario that the four experts appointed by the IACHR were integrated into a permanent secretariat that supports them, which will include at least five people, who will work continuously in the country.


The GIEI will specifically investigate violent events that occurred from the 18th to the past on May 30th. According to Incalterra, the period of investigation was agreed between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), the (IACHR) and the Government of Nicaragua.

Until May 30, the death toll rose to about 105, according to local human rights organizations. man, including the 18 people who died from the March attacks. mothers

Abrão said that the Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni) is responsible for monitoring the human rights situation in the present "to continue reporting and documenting violations."

Report of the Gaps

The experts emphasized that their functions would not replace those of the judicial or state authorities. What experts can do is "suggest" that processes be conducted or that certain actions be taken. "We have just pointed out in any case the shortcomings that we deem necessary," said Parenti, who pointed out that the GIEI will analyze "all files, one by one."

IACHR presents the group of experts who will investigate the deaths the crisis in Nicaragua

Claudia Paz y Paz pointed out that the GIEI "will analyze if the appropriate legal entities are used, if all the officials are studied, if the tests that are being processed are relevant proof for the clarification of the cases ". From there, they will report with their recommendations. They will also create a proposal to the state centered on the compensation to the victims.

The GIEI is the key

Juan Sebastián Chamorro, member of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, considered as "a very important achievement" installed the GIEI in the country, among other reasons, because "here the public bodies are not independent" and the judicial files are "full of anomalies".

Chamorro pointed out that the installation of the group is "a very important piece for what comes in the future, which is to bring the murderers to justice", which, along with the democratic question, is one of the priority demands in the national dialogue for the Civic Alliance.

Lesther Alemán, a university student who also Within the framework of the Alliance, he claimed that students expect that the final report of the IGIE be "energetic" and even "stronger than that of the IACHR, that it can directly incriminate with names already pellidos" to those responsible for the murders and the violence unleashed in the country.

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