Girl, 6 years old, who asked the border patrol for the phone reunited with her mother


A mother and a daughter who were separated at the US-Mexico border in June were finally reunited a month after a secret registration captured the girl begging for a phone call.

Alison Jimena Valencia Madrid, 6 years old, tearful reunion with her mother, Cindy Madrid, Friday morning at Houston Airport

Both looked exhausted but relieved to be again together while they were wielding cameras from inside a van in which Alison was sitting on her mother's lap. in a video taken by ProPublica.

Alison was introduced to the world as one lingering voice in a leaked audio recording in which a Border Patrol Officer was heard laughing as several children screamed for their parents after being separated.

The little girl continually asked the agents and consular representatives for a phone call to her aunt, who lived in the United States.

Alison explained that she had memorized her aunt's phone number in case of an emergency

"Can I go with my aunt at least? I want my aunt to come to me. take her home.I have her number, "she says in Spanish.

She continues to urge representatives to whom they call her aunt while two of them are discussing feeding the kids while a little boy in the background keep crying. ! Papi! "

CONNECTION: Secret Audio picks up a border patrol officer joking about children who want their parents

A month later, she is found with her mother after a last minute transfer Government.

Alison was flown to Houston, Texas, where the store stated that she had been kept awake all night in a terminal with her pencils and coloring books. 19659002] Her mother Cindy and her lawyer rushed According to the publication, the little girl was informed of the fate of her daughter.

S addressing reporters later in the day, Alison was asked what advice she would give to thousands of others waiting to be found with their loved ones. "19659002]" To be patient, they will see their parents again, "she told reporters." And soon they will have a better time. future. "

L & # 39; Madrid lawyer told ProPublica Alison "had a bit of an emotional meltdown at the first sight of his mother."

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Cindy had previously told the publication that she would be "the happiest woman in the world" if she were reunited with her daughter.


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El Salvador's single mother has says she had fled her country to gang violence. In the United States, Cindy questioned the government's actions and told ProPublica: "What they do to adults is unfair. But what they do to children is worse, "she said, adding," They hurt them, maybe for life. Since 1965, Trump's "zero tolerance policy" has resulted in the removal of 2,342 children from their parents who crossed the southern border and are at risk of prosecution for illegal entry

. to his "zero tolerance" policy, he signed a decree repealing the policy of his administration at the end of June.

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