Giuliani targets Cohen's lawyer: He and Cohen are "deceivers"


President Donald Trump Donald John TrumpHHS who publishes Pizzagate's conspiracy theory at the Washington Posts agency is asking for help in identifying Trump's partners. Prankster poses portrait of Putin in Colorado Capitol where Trump's portrait would be Rudy Giuliani Saturday night, Michael Cohen's lawyer targeted Michael Cohen's lawyer in a series of tweets accusing Cohen and his lawyer, Lanny Davis, to be "misleading [s]."

"Lanny Davis said his client Michael Cohen did not intend to cheat" Yet his client put his phone in an office saying not to record a conversation and then proceeded at Chris Cuomo's secret recording for two hours, "tweeted Giuliani on Saturday night." Who [sic] The Greatest Cohen Deceiver or His Davis Shill? "

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that Cohen had recorded a nearly two-hour conversation that he had with CNN's Chris Cuomo last year about a payment The movie star, Stormy Daniels, to keep his silence on his alleged affair with Trump in 2006.

Giuliani claimed that Davis, who is also a columnist for The Hill, "destroys Cohen's credibility and his usefulness as a witness and career as a lawyer" by sharing tapes that Cohen, former longtime personal attorney for Trump e t "fixer", secretly made of his private conversations with Trump,

Giuliani's tweets seemed to answer the statement from Davis more s early Saturday in response to an interview granted by Trump's lawyer at ABC News

Giuliani told ABC that Trump's legal team told Cohen that he had violated the privilege lawyer-client that he had with Trump.

"He expressly waived the prosecutor's privilege last week and repeatedly and improperly.The statement comes after this week's revelation that Cohen secretly recorded conversations he had with Trump, including a between the two men in front of him.The election of 2016. In the recording, which was broadcast by CNN this week after the network got it from Davis, we can hear the two men discussing of buying the rights of the story of a former Playboy mannequin on his alleged affair with Trump.He claims that the Trump candidate has endorsed a meeting of the Trump Tower in 2016 between officials of the Trump's campaign, including President's son, Donald Trump, Jr., and Russians who allegedly promised Hillary Clinton's dirt Hillary Clinton Hillary ClintonHHS who aired the Pizzagate plot theory to the Dem Lawmaker agency on the revealed Cohen's Trump Treaties: "The Walls Are Coming Close to Trump" Trump Gives a Surprised Interview to Hannity, Boasting the GDP PLUS [19659003]

Cohen allegedly said that he intends to tell a lawyer Special Robert Mueller Robert Swan MuellerSasse: The United States should applaud the choice of Muel To lead the Russian probe MORE which investigates the possible links between the Trump campaign and Russia, Trump was at current of the meeting.

Trump and his allies argued that Trump did not know about the meeting, and Giuliani also said that the president did not know of the meeting.

The conflicting accounts raise questions about the credibility of Trump and Cohen. Giuliani had called Cohen "an honest and honorable lawyer" during an interview with ABC News in May; He said at the exit on Saturday that he did not know Cohen very well when he made this statement

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