Government reduces by 58% the number of advisors to optimize resources


The Ecuadorian Executive has reduced senior advisers since the beginning of the year by 58%, in accordance with a policy optimization of public resources informed the National Secretariat today Communication (Secom).

According to a statement from this agency, between January and July 2, the number of senior level counselors was reduced from 676 to 282, which is more than half of the, according to the plan of effectiveness management of public resources.

Specifies the note that the reduction of places has been given in all government departments and institutions, among the officials appointed directly by the highest authority and therefore, of free movement, in a process which, according to the government, " guarantees workers' rights and benefits ".

As part of the Economic Reactivation Plan announced by the Executive in April and being processed in the National Assembly, it is expected an optimization of resources in the executive function for a value 1,000 million dollars.

This project does not envisage the reduction of the public workforce of the health, education, justice, social welfare and security sectors the Minister Ecuadorian economist and finance minister, Richard Martínez, revealed Thursday in an informative conference with international media on the seat of the Presidency in Quito, that economic growth forecasts in the country that were around 2 percent will be reduced by the future application of the Economic Reactivation Act.

In this sense, he added that said project will not affect departures intended to support a significant social burden on the part of the state and that should further result in a greater reduction in the number of employees. state apparatus.

of Ecuador is also ministries of restructuring, secretariats and public enterprises whose functions can be assumed by other institutions, guaranteeing the management of resources and the Fulfillment of their duties without violating the rights of citizens. 19659002] With information from EFE.

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