Great finale of Por amar sin ley on Univision | To love without law


Melodrama was the fourth main role for Ana Brenda Contreras, who lived an intense love triangle playing Alejandra Ponce Ruiz.

David Zepeda and Julián Gil maintained a fierce fight with their characters. Ricardo and Carlos both fought for Alejandra's love.

After the intense result, we invite you to relive the highlights of the final episode.

After hearing the shocking news, Ricardo comforted her in his arms and swore that they would save their father and they would find the culprits. For his part, Carlos went with 'El Ciego & # 39; to ask for help in the abduction of his stepfather in exchange for his eternal gratitude. However, he does not know that his partner is involved in the tragedy.

A tragedy has ended his family
Gustavo's life has returned to color with Isabel's forgiveness, which has forgotten his unfaithfulness. your family life However, a revenge took away the dreams of the lawyer.

But Gustavo did not stay alone: ​​friends came to heartbreaking moment. Alejandra, Ricardo, Elena, Alonso, Juan and others showed all their appreciation and affection.

Fear against Valentía
After the assassination of Gustavo's family and the abduction of Alejandra's father, Alonso had decided to close the office "Vega y Asociados "to stop irritating his enemies. However, all his colleagues refused to give in to the criminals.

Alejandra, Ricardo, Gustavo, Juan, Roberto and Victoria asked him not to surrender and that with their help they will be able to imprison those who cause so much grief. Will they get it?

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