Guajardo calls for the end of the EU's hostility


Puerto Vallarta Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretary of Economy, urged the United States Government to put an end to commercial hostilities with Mexico.

He argued that with the start of the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a truce must be established in the application of tariffs on US imposed steel and aluminum imports

"We are starting the tariff challenge process on steel and aluminum, but whatever it is we will go to this turn with a position to define, as in all, that peace comes, we must have a truce, "he declared on the first day of the work of the XIII Summit of the Alliance of Peaceful. ] The commercial policy official commented that the next trilateral meeting opens a window of opportunity to go forward in the renegotiation of the trilateral agreement, after the suspension of the talks in May. siones

"The window of opportunity that opens is that of the transition team of the virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because we are confronted with a unique vision of the world. Mexican state. "

Article 232 on the possibility of imposing tariffs on imports of motor vehicles, says that there is a general opposition to the rejection.

They ask to stop hostilities

The Secretary of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo, called for the cessation of hostilities. part of the United States government, before the start of renegotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Treaty of 19659002.

After participating in the first day of work of the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, said that he will go to this trilateral turn "to define the issues, so that peace comes".

Therefore, he argued that there must be a truce in the application of tariffs to imports. Mexican inputs, as in the case of steel and aluminum.

"We have started the process of challenging the tariffs on steel and aluminum at the World Trade Organization, but regardless of what we are going to define, with regard to the 232 to impose tariffs on imports of motor vehicles, he said that although action in this sector is not yet confirmed, there is a general opposition of rejection of this measure

"During consultations held in Washington, during this investigation, out of 44 witnesses, 44 in total, including the North American auto industry, objected to the imposition of these tariffs . Unlike the tariffs for aluminum and steel, contractors have set up support positions, "he said.

The commercial policy officer said the next trilateral meeting opens a window of opportunity to advance renegotiation. Trilateral agreement, after the suspension of the discussions in May

"We are trying to ask a series of open questions, fortunately few, but very complex.The window of opportunity that opens is that of l & # 39; 39, transitional team of the virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because we are facing a single vision of the Mexican state. "

In this sense, he said that the presence of Jesús Seade, proposed to be the next chief negotiator for NAFTA, and Graciela Márquez, who will lead the Ministry of Economy, sends a positive message about López Obrador's interest in regional integration.


That the poor are the ones who suffer the most from closed economies, no matter what kind of government they have

The official explained that economic openness is what which helps to regulate the markets, for example, he mentioned that when the price of chicken is desorbita in the local market the best solution, not to affect the basic basket, is to open the imports to moderate impacts.

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