Gustavo Cerati: They will release the album with the best collaborations of the leader of Soda Stereo [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | International shows


Follow the legend. The company Sony Music announced the release of a new record by the late leader of Soda Stereo, Gustavo Cerati .

The production will be called 'Satellite Cerati & # 39; and will have a compilation of the best collaborations of the musician, among them, the songs that he recorded with Mercedes Sosa, Luis Alberto Spinetta, and Andy Summers, exguitarist of The Police

The launch of this new production is scheduled for August 10th. According to the Clarín of Argentina, the album will have 14 titles in CD format and another 9 in vinyl format.

This production will include the version of "I Losing You", by John Lennon, that Gustavo Cerati recorded with the tribute group "The Durabeat & # 39; 39 ;. There will also be forays into the metal with "From the paper", next to 202, and Dream in drops, with D-Mind.

It must be remembered that three years ago, they launched "Cerati Infinito". an album with the greatest hits of Gustavo's solo career. Songs like Amar Amarillo & # 39; and & # 39; Fuerza natural & # 39; were part of record production.

In addition, a few days ago, the documentary Bios: Gustavo Cerati & # 39; which will broadcast Nat Geo and for which the family of the interpreter has told stories of the head of Soda Stereo . [ad_2]
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