GyM is included in the corruption investigation on line 1 of the subway


The construction company Graña y Montero was included as a third party responsible for investigating the payment of bribes in the bid for line 1 of the Lima metro in which participated the Brazilian Odebrechet.

Jorge Barata, the strongman of Odebrecht in Peru, revealed that the former deputy minister of communications of the second government of APRA, Jorge Cuba and members of the Committee received more than 8 million from Line 1 of the Lima Metro, to the consortium formed by Odebrecht and Graña y Montero. He also assured that his members were aware of these payments.

"We have been notified by the resolution issued by the first national court of preparatory inquiry, by which the application for incorporation of our subsidiary GyM is declared to be founded SA as a third party Civilly Liability ", the company told the Securities Market Company

Application for Registration

At the end of May, the Attorney General's Office requested Judicial Branch to include the construction companies Odebrecht and Graña y Montero as civil actors jointly responsible for the alleged corruption crimes committed by the former Deputy Minister Aprista

L & # 39; construction company ensures that its incorporation into the current process does not imply in itself a plea of ​​guilty or liability, but only the inclusion of the company in the l & # 39; e nquest to define, throughout the same, whether the company is obliged to respond civilly for acts or proven facts of the people surveyed.

does not agree with the resolution that is the subject of this communication and considers that it did not incur any impropriety so that He will assume his right of defense throughout the investigation, "added the company in the statement.

He will assume responsibility

However, they point out that, if as a result of a civil liability lawsuit, will conform to the assumption as it was their usual practice.

At the end of June, the Superior Court of Lima excluded Graña and Montero SAA and GyM SA -consolidated with Odebrecht- the criminal proceedings followed by the crime of collusion and others in the case of South Interoceanic road corridor, a project by which the Brazilian construction company paid a bribe over $ 20 million to President Alejandro Toledo

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