Half Lovato and the evening that triggered her relapse | Shows


The singer and actress Demi Lovato is still hospitalized in a hospital in Los Angeles and despite having avoided to refer to the situation that caused this relapse. The TMZ site revealed details of a party at his mansion at Hollywood Hills, in which he allegedly suffered from the alleged overdose of heroin.

According to this site, the interpreter's friends of " No sorry " they resurrected with Narcan, a drug that fights the effects of an opioid, but after notifying the staff of the artist, they quickly fled the scene before the arrival of the emergency team.

] Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez said this about the relapse of Demi Lovato

"They spent the whole night taking Narcan with them for this type of situation – they were prepared in case that would happen, "said a source quoted by the magazine People .

After being hospitalized, the same staff told the authorities that the singer was meeting people at her home.

"The people with whom she was surrounded last time are not her true friends, they did not have the best interest.It left her true friends," said the informant [19659002] It should be noted that hours before the meeting, Demi Lovato was photographed, happy and lucid, leaving a restaurant at Saddle Ranch in West Hollywood after celebrating the anniversary of the anniversary. one of his dancers.

Up to now, it is not known if the people she was seen eating with are the same ones she was at home

. The Urgent Appeal, Demi Lovato was oblivious when paramedics arrived, and Disney's refusal refused to reveal the substance that he had consumed.

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