Half Lovato: they broadcast an emergency call after being found unconscious | Shows


The Portal TMZ presented an edited version of the audio of the call to 911 which was made by a staff member of Half Lovato after he was unconscious in bed after partying all night at home.

In the communication, whose actual duration is a little over four minutes, one does not disclose the reason why paramedics have decided to take the artist to a hospital. Although several media reported that it was a heroin overdose, this was not confirmed .

Also, in the audio one means the person asking for emergencies to not use the Sirena when they arrive at Demi Lovato's house in Los Angeles

However, the Operator informs him that it is impossible because it is a medical emergency, since paramedics must arrive as soon as possible

This information which was published n & # 39; 39 was not confirmed or overturned by the singer's representative, nor his current state of health, despite the fact that it was commented that he had woken up and had was recuperating with his family

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