Half Lovato was hospitalized for a heroin overdose: what do we know about the case? TMZ | USA Trade | TV | Hollywood


The singer Demi Lovato was hospitalized in Los Angeles for an apparent overdose of heroin. This has been reported by the TMZ portal, which indicates that the star is currently being processed.

"Our sources indicate that Demi Lovato was moved from a house in the Hollywood Hills shortly after noon Tuesday and is currently undergoing treatment. What is her state of health?", Report specialized media

. At the age of 25, Demi Lovato already had problems with cocaine addiction, heroin, and medications to control anxiety.Although in 2015 , he celebrated three "clean" years, in July of this 2018, he confessed that he had had a relapse.

  Demi Lovato "title =" Demi Lovato "src =" https: // img. elcomercio.pe/files/article_video_image /uploads/2018/07/24/5b578976028aa.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
<p id= IN THE VIDEO:" Half Lovato: Simply complicated. "(Source: YouTube)

It was with the theme "Sober" ("Sobria") who Demi Lovato spoke openly about his relapse "Mom, I'm so sorry, I'm not Daddy, please, forgive me, for all the drinks spilled on the floor. To all those who have not left me, I am so sorry, I am no longer a niece, "he said in the song

  Demi Lovato

IN VIDEO: Demi Lovato and his heartbreaking interpretation of "Sober". (Source: Instagram)

Iggy Azalea, very close to the performer, told "Entertainment Tonight" that her friends were aware of her relapse well before she'd made public in a song.

I knew her, I'm her friend, so I really wanted her to tell people, and I worried a lot, as her friend, it was something that could be filtered or someone took it in one way or another, or "I'm really proud of it was sincere because it is very difficult to get it. be honest with yourself. To be honest with everyone, and to share something with whom you fought, it is something very admirable, I am very proud of her to see her write this song and sing it ", she said

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