He blew candles! Karen Dejo celebrated her birthday with her boyfriend Lucas Piro and her warriors [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 7 | Shows | Farándula


Karen Dejo is celebrating and sharing with her followers Instagram some pictures where she celebrates with her friends and family the big day.

Last night, Karen Dejo received her friends with a table full of candy and posed with a broad smile in each of the snapshots she posted on Instagram where she was wearing a tight pink dress.

19659002] Guerra surprised his followers of Instagram by revealing his age, since Karen Dejo displays an enviable figure and a face that does not look like his 38 years .

"Happy to have you by my side, thank you guys I adore you, each of you belongs to a part of my life in my heart" wrote: Karen Dejo in ] Instagram together with some pictures

The daughter of reality was surprised at midnight by mariachis, who sang for her birthday and she did not hesitate to record a story of Instagram after the emotion.

 ] Karen Dejo celebrates her birthday. (Video: Instagram)

Followers of Instagram of Karen Dejo did not stop greeting her for her day and wished her every success as well as her To have underlined its beauty.

Among the figures who accompanied ] Karen Dejo on her birthday her partner, the Argentine dancer Lucas Piro and his partner of reality, Paloma Fiuza with her boyfriend Facundo González.

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