He died patriarch of Los Hermanos Yaipén, Group 5 and Candela Orchestra


Elmer Yaipén Caicedo, Patriarch of the Founders of the Los Hermanos Yaipén Music Orchestras, El Grupo 5 and Orquesta Candela who died at the age of 85, due to his fragile health in the city of Chiclayo, region Lambayeque

Yaipén Caicedo, father of Walter and Javier, founders of & quot; Los Hermanos Yaipén & # 39 ;; of Víctor Yaipén, the leader of "La Orquesta Candela" and also grandfather of Elmer's Chico & # 39; Yaipén, current leader of & # 39; Group 5 & # 39;

Elmer Yaipén Caicedo, was the one who pushed his children to form the musical empire today sounds in Peru and around the world to such an extent that his sons Elmer and Victor quickly ventured very young and successful in the world of cumbia.

His remains are monitored in his house located on Avenida Mariscal Castilla, in his native country Monsefú fell in love with his wife Bertha Uypan, who ceased to exist there are more than five years. Then you will receive a Christian burial in the Jesus Nazareno Cautivo Cemetery.

His neighbors and all those who knew him regretted his departure, because was a small businessman who always supported his children in their love for music.

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