He fell 100 meters while climbing and his dog saved his life | News instantly from LAVOZ.com.ar


Once again a dog and his enormous demonstration of loyalty and loyalty. A 32-year-old woman fell 100 meters up and was rescued by her dog.

Brittany Findel was climbing Mount St. Helens in Washington when she fell and her dog went after her. His pet licked his wounds and gave him warmth until the rescuers found him, according to La Nación.

 (Facebook: britty.fintellarson) "title =" (Facebook: britty.fintellarson) "width =" 100% "height =" auto "class =" image-landscape_565_318 "/> 
<figcaption> (Facebook : "britty.fintellarson" </figcaption></p>
<p>  "He ran into the snow immediately and once it came to me, he started to lick my face and the blood from my hands. stayed with me all the time! "Brittany wrote on Facebook </p>
<p>  Findel suffered a broken hip, ribs, and part of the spine, and suffered a concussion and deep lacerations. </p>
<p>  even at the hospital while recovering </p>
<p>  <iframe style=

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