He resigned from his job by destroying his boss's office and shared it live on Instagram | News


The Wall Street analyst, Francesco Pellegrini, apparently had everything to succeed in New York. His work for Sidoti & Company appeared to be the dream of any finance specialist with the intention of expanding into the world's largest stock market.

But a fury of fury, apparently exploded that the man decided to risk his future in the worst possible way: through a scandalous resignation shared in an Instagram story.

A three-minute video posted on Pellegrino's personal account of the popular social network shows him in the process of catharsis in the empty office and apparently in outside working hours. In one of the scenes, we can see him open bottles of champagne, stirred before, then spray them on the desk of his former boss.

In another of the confused episodes, one can see it resignation letter in which you can read "Let them give you, I resign" in clear reference to who was their superior.

As if all that was not enough and, to close his performance, he decides, for unknown reasons, to pour a can sparkling water flavored in the office aquarium. [19659002] Asked by the New York Post about Pellegrino's singular departure, Peter Sidoti, the firm's CEO, said he was confused. "I do not even know how to answer," he says before hanging up the phone

After the content has been viralized, Pellegrino's Instagram account has been disabled. Now, it remains to be seen if his brand new "fame" will allow him to get another job in the small chosen world that is ultimately Wall Street.

Photos: Video capture

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