Health: 4 myths about autistic children


04 July 2018 11:30

There is a lot of misinformation about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the correct name of autism, according to Cahuana Cuentas Milagros, a professor at the School of Psychology of the San Pablo Catholic University of Arequipa. The specialist refutes some of the most entrenched myths about the behavior of children with ASD, which leads them to be discriminated against even by their own parents.

1. They are just spoiled children

As explained by the UCSP teacher, the lack of information on the signs of ASD favors autistic children They are labeled as spoiled because of their behavior. For example, one of the most common behaviors of this disorder is the constant repetition of words, something that greatly desires adults. There are many parents who refuse to accept that their child is suffering from a disorder, and delay the use of a specialist for accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment.

2. They are children with mental retardation

At school, children are designated as children not motivated towards learning and even with signs of mental retardation by the same teachers, who do not know what autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves, warns Cahuana Cuentas. This situation makes it difficult to integrate the child with the rest of his classmates.

3. Unable to Communicate

One of the possible manifestations of ASD is a delay in learning speech and expression, investing the use of pronouns or even not not to make gestures. As the UCSP specialist explains, speech disorders are very visible in autistic children, so they should work on language therapies. In severe cases, where there is no verbalization, communication with the child can be achieved through images and gestures.

4. Have no emotions

In addition to speech problems, another common sign in autistic children is the lack of understanding of others' feelings, or the Unable to demonstrate. The specialist in clinical psychology, says that the suffering of ASD does not diminish their cognitive ability. Recommended to avoid discriminating and aim to integrate as best as possible to the family and society, because they are wonderful people.

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