Helsinki prepares to welcome Trump and Putin amid demonstrations and expectations


Helsinki proud of its history as a host of meetings between Washington and Moscow, is preparing to host the summit between the presidents of the United States. and Russia, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin between protests, security measures and uncertainty over the agreements that the two leaders can achieve.

The high tension of the first bilateral meeting Trump and Putin revolutionize the Finnish capital: they have released their diplomatic, police and logistical circles of idleness of the summer and have mobilized thousands of people who want show their rejection of the two leaders and their conception of politics.

The Finnish government, at the head of the preparations, takes its bosom as host and assures that the country drinks from its tradition of mediator between the two great powers.

Finland has maintained for decades a studied equilibrium between its membership of the West and the relationship it has with its giant neighbor in the East, a situation that l & # 39; but not to NATO

"Finland has always defended dialogue in international relations. The meeting of the Presidents in Finland is the natural continuation of this meeting and brings the dialogue to the highest level, "explains the president of the host country, Sauli Niinistö .

Helsinki has already been the scene of meetings at the highest level between Washington and Moscow, such as that held in 1990 by former presidents of the United States and the Soviet Union, George Bush father and Mikhail Gorbachev and one was held in 1997 between Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin .

The name of the city is also related to the agreement sealed in 1975 by 35 countries between the United States and the Soviet Union, which led to the creation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and laid the foundation for preventing the cold war from leading to an open armed confrontation.

Putin is a stranger to the Finnish capital, which visited five times as Russian President between 2001 and 2017, while Trump was only on one occasion in April 1992, during a business trip in which he explored the possibility

Expectations and protests

The meeting aroused mixed emotions among the Finns, who on the occasion of the summit organized 10 demonstrations of very different sign, from The police of Helsinki .

The largest is the demonstration convened, under the slogan "The Call of Helsinki", by an alliance called by Amnesty International to that sponsored by the ultraconservative and nationalist Finnish party, according to collectives that hopes to gather some 10,000 people "for the defense of human rights, democracy, peace and climate action", explain the organizers on Facebook

It has a negative opinion of American presidents. and Russia according to a recent poll published by the Finnish weekly Seura which represents the rejection of Trump in 83% and that of Putin, in 76%.

Others took advantage of the appointment to be published, such as the brand of craft beer stone, paper, scissors, which launched a commemorative version of his labels in which cartoons Trump and Putin appear playing the hobby of homonymous children under the motto: "Resolved this as adults" .

The city finalizes the apparatus for the summit, which includes about 2,000 policemen to control the surroundings of the presidential palace, the meeting place, and facilities for nearly 1,500 journalists from 61 accredited countries. (EFE)

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