Here's how the truck that hit the bridge on Brazil Avenue was left | PICTURES Trade | Lima | Accidents


This afternoon a truck he played in a new accident hitting a bridge, at block 26 of Avenida Brasil, at the junction with Pershing Avenue, in Pueblo Libre.

The vehicle was divided in two. Only the container in which the cargo was stored was in the area. The AYK-724 vehicle plate was transferred to the Pueblo Libre Police Station.

The accident did not hurt. Yes, this caused a great deal of congestion in the area of ​​the interchange. It was learned that the refrigerated truck had shipped frozen pre-cooked potatoes to fast food restaurants in San Isidro.

On the other hand, this vehicle has exceeded the authorized height of almost 40 centimeters. The bridge has a height of 2.80 m, while the truck has a height of 3.18 meters. Canal N indicated that the driver had been identified as Santos Leonardo Cañari Vásquez.

This is not the first time that this type of accident is reported this year. Last week, a truck carrying a heavy load demolished a pedestrian bridge in the district of Comas and left at least ten wounded, two of them in serious condition.

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