Hernán Crespo: "If Cueva did the repair kick, things would have changed for Peru"


The scorer recalled from the Argentine team believes that the & # 39; Blanquirroja & # 39; could give more

Hernán Crespo former striker and striker of Argentina has expressed on the participation of the Peruvian national team in the World Russia 2018 . First, he congratulated his compatriot Ricardo Gareca for the participation.

"We must congratulate him, first, because no one expected him to make a Qualifiers so. World He did not come to participate, his luck was played, but that's football, "he said ESPN

Crespo also had some words for the penalty failed Christian Cueva and considers that it was decisive for the fate of Peru in the tournament.

"If Cueva scored the penalty, things would have changed.But we are talking about a hypothetical case. Peru left a good picture, it went quickly , but he showed a very good football. "

Peru was eliminated in group stage 2018 World Cup Russia after a 1-0 defeat at Denmark and France [1 9459007] and win by 2-0 at Australia .

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