Highlights A.Latina's growth in online and mobile banking while reducing distances from the traditional | AmericaEconomy


Bogota .- Online banking has evolved at significant rates in Latin America. According to the Tecnocom Report : Trends in Payment Methods 2016 online and mobile banking continued to reduce the distance of traditional banks in Latin America, thus increasing their relevance as transactional channels for business transactions. payment. , Internet banking has grown exponentially in most Latin American countries, among which Peru stands out, with a 79% increase in the number of operations and – at the other extreme – Mexico, with a more moderate increase, 6.7%, behind Chile (13.1%), Colombia (15.8%) and Brazil (18.4%). In value of operations, Peru is again in the lead with an increase of 122% in this channel, while in Mexico it decreases significantly by -2.6%.

In the 2017 version of the same report, it is stated that "The banking population reports a remarkable development in the use of online services in all countries.Even the most advanced proposals, such as payments in online and personal collection services and personal financial management services, respectively reach at least 10% or 5% use. "

" With this perspective, all the bank in the region do not think not the disappearance of bank branches but their transformation so that they become spaces of operations, of the knowledge of the customer and of attention to their needs in the face of new products or services ", agreement [19659005] to Juan Carlos Arcila Espinosa, president of the Latin American Congress of Digital Banking, Innovation and Technology

The event will be held at the Bahia Grand Panama Hotel, ancie Trump International Hotel & Tower Panama, where the latest trend meetings from different fields will take place, with the participation of national and international speakers of the highest quality.

The 5 keys of the tr Digital computing of the bank according to the president of the Latin American Congress of Digital Banking:

Fintech as Allied: All banking entities of the world find the best way to interact with Fintech calls. A first wave was to think that these initiatives were competition in the provision of financial services, but increasingly, it has migrated to the model in which they are considered allies to deepen the market and better serve customers. 19659002] New Financial Consumer: The traditional banking sector should review its internal models and how the market has been involved in trying to move closer to meeting the needs of the new financial consumer.

] Vision and Strategy of Each Entity: Businesses in the sector must have a digital transformation in their strategy, and banks want to innovate and allocate a budget for that to happen.

Trust and Security: To the extent that the consumer feels that his transactions are protected by executing them in new ways, their use is to increase

Regulations: at this stage is the key work of industry and governments, to facilitate the adoption of new technologies.

The Executive recalled that July 12 and 13, 2018 The Second Latin American Congress on Digital Banking, Innovation and Technology will be held in Panama. In its second version, it is projected as one of the major events in the region focused 100% on the challenges of the entities that provide financial services.

The event will take place at the Bahia Grand Panama Hotel, formerly Trump International Hotel & Panama Tower, which will discuss the latest trends in different fields and with the participation of national and international speakers of the highest quality.

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