Hollywood actor mutilated in kidnapping, ransom plot, indictment


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LOS ANGELES – A trio of violent kidnappers maimed a Hollywood actor and held her hostage with an actress during the night. a ransom missed, according to an indictment unveiled Tuesday. A grand jury of Los Angeles

Joseph Capone and actress Daisy McCrackin, who starred in Halloween Halloween: Resurrection, reportedly were abducted on May 3 and detained for two days while a trio was trying to steal , extort and receive a ransom from McCrackin, the grand jury alleged. A spokesman for the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office called Capone an actor, but the television or movies in which he participated were not immediately known.

The indictment, filed on June 18, draws a torture picture for Capone, who had an unspecified body part mutilated and was exposed to "a substantial likelihood of death". The three suspects, Keith Andre Stewart, 32; Johntae Jones, 25; and Amber Neal, 26, were in custody, according to authorities, but the case was still being reviewed by the Robbery-Homicide Division of the Los Police Department. Angeles

. of the body and neutralized, disfigured and rendered useless … "An email to the district attorney's office requesting clarification was not returned.Capone survived

  Image: Daisy McCrackin [19659008] Daisy McCrackin in 2006. </span><span class= Michael Bezjian / WireImage for Mantra Media Inc.

The allegation indicates that the crime took place after the so-called "conspirators" stole the 2011 Lexus McCrackin, got a gun, chained Stewart in the caper, and went to McCrackin's house, where Capone was attacked.The investigators found a trace of Capone's blood at the residence, the states of

The suspects placed black hoods on the victims 'heads and, on May 4, drove them to Jones' Compton House, where Capone was stripped without food, in a bathtub for 30 hours. , grand jury alleges.

At some point, C Apone tried to help McCrackin and was "beaten, beaten and kicked" in retaliation, the report said. 19659004] The indictment alleges that Stewart also cut and disabled the Capone tongue, "closed his eyes" and cut off the nose, ear and lip. According to the indictment, Jones reportedly took McCrackin 's 2011 Lexus and, with Neal in tow, allegedly drove the victim to two or more branches of Bank of America in order to obtain funding from McCrackin. its account. At one point, $ 100 was withdrawn and turned over to Jones and Neal, the state's charge.

Requiring $ 10,000, the suspects finally accepted a check for this amount written to Neal, which was deposited in the suspect's account.

The indictment also alleges that Neal falsified a document to claim that she was the "new registered owner" of the Lexus. Neal claimed that the car had been given to him by McCrackin, says the document.

After the bank trip, the suspects returned with McCrackin to her home, and she escaped one way or another, according to the prosecutor's office. She promptly informed the police, who tracked down and arrested the three defendants, according to the DA

It is unclear how and why Neal was released after arrest.

On Monday, she was arrested again in a traffic stop captured by a video of a spectator who became viral. The sheriff's detainee records also indicate Monday as the date of his arrest in this case.

Neal was forced to leave the Honda Civic late, prompting police critics to question tactics. reveal via Twitter that "this person was arrested on a warrant for kidnapping crime."

The prosecutor's office states that if successfully prosecuted for several charges related to the alleged abduction conspiracy, violence and theft, Stewart and Jones could face life in prison without the possibility of parole; Neal could cope with life.

Lease was classified as a million dollars for Jones and Neal and $ 2.08 million for Stewart. The three were scheduled to appear in court on July 23 for a preliminary hearing.

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