Horoscope of the day 19 July 2018 |


Minuto30.com .- Every day the stars bring us surprises, opportunities and learnings; predicting them can be the difference between enjoying them or letting them pass.

We present your Horoscope on July 19, 2018; you will find all the answers you need for this day:

From March 21st to April 20th.

Aries, you can have a big family and live with your parents, grandparents or have a lot of people in your house. Today, a complicated situation will arise and you will have to use your intelligence to get by. Even if you think you will not get it, use cunning, for sure, you can do it. Sometimes, to not scream louder, you get better results: change your way of acting and everything will be fine. Empathize, try to open yourself to others and see this problem from another point of view. Accept the suggestions made by those who love you, do not be so radical or extreme. When you relax, when you let go so much worry and tension, you will relax and this inner serenity will spread around you. You are what you are planning and at the moment you are attracting and projecting a lot of badly resolved tensions.

From April 21 to May 21

Taurus, business gets complicated so look for help to right your financial situation: it's water, sometimes you risk too much and it does not suit you. Ask the universe to help you anchor your business, otherwise, if they do not anchor, if they do not take root, you will have to close and change the third one. Ask also to put aside all envious people who wish you harm. Look at yourself because it's possible that someone has given you a bad eye so make a good cleaning to cut off the root of the disease. First you have to clean yourself up because you are the person in charge of your business and then send own business to itself, to succeed and the road is free of obstacles. You have the wisdom and the tools to make everything happen according to your plan.

From May 22 to June 23

Gemini, you start planning your vacation. You have waited a whole year for this beautiful day: the arrival of good, the rest, have fun. In no time, you will lie on a beach or in the pool. You can not believe it. You need rest now. Your body can not anymore, you have forced your body, your back and your arms for a long time. In addition, your emotional backpack is such that your shoulders will explode: you can not manage them. Go to a physiotherapist, you really need someone to look at you and remove all contractures from your body. At this moment your back is very irritated. Start taking care of her and you will see how, in a few sessions, the pain will have completely disappeared. Take care, you do not do it. With health do not play, always remember.

From June 23 to July 24

Cancer, it is quite possible that you do not support your girlfriend's parents. They are not like him, they are almost the opposite. You will have very difficult because you are all together a time bomb, a perfect combination where everything can end up in the air, fatal, in a great battle. Therefore, try to make meetings very distant and subtle, as bearable as possible. Never leave with them or spend the whole day. Lunch or dinner with them will be enough if you do not want to eat all the food. The bad thing is that she feels adoration for her parents, it's something mutual. She, to date, is not doing well because of the unstable situation she has had with her parents. Now the emotional situation with them has come back and the tables have changed.

From July 24 to August 24

Leo, today will push your seduction power to the greatest extent possible. You will be exuberant, radiant with happiness. If you are without a partner, if you are single, without commitment, tonight will be your night, you will triumph. It is possible that you know someone who captivates your soul or maybe someone will be captivated by your beauty: whether it is love or passion, if you go out tonight and leave yourself see, you go home with a person. Perhaps it is the charm of the moon or your own personal power, but today you will really triumph. You have a lot of personality and you attract the opposite sex. You have nothing to do to fix yourself, it is something innate, it goes with you. Plus, you love to fall in love and be the center of attention. Tonight you will be, they will draw you lots. Be measured and choose well.

From August 24 to September 24

Virgin, will ask you for courage. This is what you need to do the most, raise your vibration and be able to go towards your destiny, to realize your dreams. Fear almost paralyzes you, and you must learn to transform it; let your fear be the driving force, change it for value. You know that there is love and fear, they are opposed in the vibration. Always stick to love, so that you will realize everything you define your mind in life. You have a giant dream Do not be shy, ask the moon tonight. He will grant you. In life, you have to breastfeed and do things, the only thing that can happen is that you fall, but you get up. They could also give you a no for an answer but, if you stop doing so, the result would have been the same. Act, you will feel fulfilled and proud of yourself.

From September 24 to October 24

Libra, you really love the night, too, you like the terraces and bars, dine or dance. Remember that the next day you have obligations to fulfill and those who can not wait, so watch your night out. You can not go out every night, you will not give up. On the other hand, get used to doing more physical exercise, you abandoned it and before you get up and you were running. Outings and exercise are a bit close. It would be best to come back to regulate your diet, your sleep hours and your exercise tables. Health comes first and, although you know very well that you are better than ever, you should not go back to old habits. It is best to take a minimum of care. Offset only on weekends. Resume old customs.

From October 24 to November 23

Scorpion, you go crazy. Your mind is going to another planet and there is nothing to do. The moon will crystallize your biggest dream, think about it and ask this moon to bring it to you soon. You spend fascinating hours watching the moon through the window, you have trapped her spell, hypnotized. You must know that you can not let it control you because it is wayward. You seek to establish your relationship once and for all, not to suffer the ups and downs of life, not to have an intermittent relationship that comes back every two months. Do your part and change your character. Your personality is sometimes weaker than it should be. Take a self-esteem course You must increase that confidence that you already have, believe in yourself.

From November 23 to December 21

Sagittarius, today you will be hysterical all day long. Today, you have chosen the day to start processing your project documents and you will streamline the whole process. Today, you will register and you will become autonomous. You will assemble a massage cabinet and you know that success is assured. You have this intuition, for you it is very important that it be so. You want to feel satisfied for once in life, useful. You know that you feel inferior, you are a very precarious being and it is only if you triumph that you arrive at the top, that is why ambition is so important in you. You are too ambitious, to walk on another to excel. What is clear is that you will not walk on yourself then, go ahead, devote yourself body and soul to your massages.

From December 21 to January 21

Capricorn, you are a very emotional being, even if you have decided to keep everything inside and never show it, you know that people hurt without wanting it, sometimes wanting. You put a defensive wall so no one enters. And again, the moon continues to shake you because you have a lot of leaks in your energy system; so that people do not make you suffer, you have to make yourself strong. Your inner strength is huge. Believe in yourself and every day you tell yourself everything you love and how big and important you are because you are. The power of the moon must be the same because no one, nor the moon, nor the sun, nor the air should control your life. Only you are responsible for your life then, ask the Full Moon good wishes, but do not let that bother you.

From January 21 to February 20

Aquarius, you are very nervous, you are wrong, you are confused, half lost. You do not like the energies of this day. Try to do nothing you can regret. You could fight, get involved with a stranger or even something. For you, it would be as if you had crossed a cable, you did not know the reason, why, but it would have been the case. Be quiet because you could do something silly with a colleague. This would not be very well done and would not please your current girlfriend. Moderate your actions, work and when you are done, go straight to the house. You're very dangerous Above all, do not go out tonight. You are not trustworthy, stay at home.

Pisces, you are an extremely crazy being, do not do anything today. The only thing you can do because of your mental speed is to use your imagination and create. You can start with this creative step to use it from this week; you will be as active Creativity is vital to sexuality and to silence the mind, the intellect. Write down all your creations, sketch and put ideas on paper. It will be a perfect and grateful job. If you are dedicated to design, interiors, architecture or if you are a rigger, all in this lunar cycle will be brilliant. You will be doing a lot of work, more than half a year because the ideas you have now will not be seen again long. Take care of your nerves, digestion could be very complicated. Take care of YOU.

Source: Astrochannel

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