"House of Cards": Robin Wright broke his silence and spoke about Kevin Spacey Trade | TV | Hollywood


The American actress Robin Wright spoke for the first time publicly today Kevin Spacey his partner in the series "House of Cards". "Kevin and I knew each other between the action and the cup and at the breaks, where we joked (…) I did not know the man."

In an interview for the US Network's Today Show, Wright wanted to leave Of course, he had no relationship with Spacey outside the film set. "We were really colleagues, we never socialized outside of him."

Wright had not yet talked about his firing partner, who also pointed out in the interview that with her, Spacey was still "respectful and professional". "It has never been disrespectful to me, it's my personal experience, it's the only thing I have the right to say."

He also stressed his value as an actor and assured that after hearing multiple accusations of abuse against him, the team in the series was surprised

and when asked when he had contacted Spacey when the scandal broke out, he said that he did not even know how to locate it.

In October 2017, actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey had abused him when he was 14 years old.

Spacey reacted by saying that he did not remember, he apologized if he had behaved inappropriately with Rapp and announced that he was homosexual, a statement which has sparked a lot of criticism. when more cases of abuse were discovered against him.

The accusations caused the platform Netlfix, producer of "House of Cards", to suspend the filming of the series and dismiss the act, which for five seasons played Francis Underwood, who began to to be a member of Congress to finish as president of the United States.

Robin Wright plays his wife and, after finishing the fifth season as a successor to her husband in the US presidency. , became the only protagonist of the sixth installment of the series.

If Netflix acted properly by dismissing the actor, Wright said that he did not know how to respond to such a case. "At that time, the shock was so intense across the country, for many reasons, many stories, a lot of people, I think everyone thought that the most respectful thing was to wait a bit. "

to the actor, Wright said that he did not know how to respond to such a case. "At that time, the shock was so intense across the country, for many reasons, many stories, a lot of people, I think everyone thought that the most respectful thing was to wait a bit. "

Netflix first decided to suspend the series and in a second moment to dismiss Spacey.

Netflix decided to resume filming the sixth season, which will be the last.

"We are very grateful to have been able to complete the C series" was planned. "Adds the actress

The broadcast of the Wright interview coincides with the appearance today. 39 in a court of Manhattan producer Harvey Weinstein, on new charges of sexual assault, rape and abuse.

The charges against Weinstein were the beginning of a wave of accusations against well-known Hollywood names, including Spacey, Dustin Hoffman, Louis CK, Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner, John Lasseter or James Toback.
(Source: EFE)

  house of cards "title =" house of cards "src =" https://img.elcomercio.pe/files/article_video_image/uploads/2018/06/11/5b1e7bd847363.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
<p id= IN THE VIDEO: a summary of the complaint involving Kevin Spacey (Source: El Comercio)

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