How many friendly matches does the Peruvian National Team plan to play until the end of 2018?


The & # 39; Blanquirroja & # 39; will face the Netherlands in Amsterdam on September 6 and Germany in Sinsheim on the 9th of the same month.

Waiting for the response of coach Ricardo Gareca's remaining in the ] Peruvian team of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), knows that everything should continue and is already preparing the programming of the national team matches in the next six months.

The director of the FPF, Antonio García Pye, revealed that the & # 39; Blanquirroja & # 39; plans to face six friendly matches, taking advantage of FIFA's date in the months of October and November. From the total comparisons, we expect to be done in the province and the other in Lima.

"The intention is to play the 6 games available of the year, since there are also FIFA dates in October and November." Edwin Oviedo) asked us to play in Peru, he may be in Lima and in the interior with the slogan to promote the base for the Copa America. "

In another moment, García Pye said that it will be difficult to vary the established dates of the friendly match against Germany in September this year. "We are considering the possibility of playing games for a day or two, it will not be easy, it was scheduled to play on September 9 and the ideal would be to play a day later, four days after facing the countries -Low."

that the Germans are very serious about the program and that the FIFA cycle ends on September 11, "he added to Ovation The list of people summoned to stranger to play friendly matches should leave later on August 15. (Andina)

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