How the former Trump lawyer evolved into dealing with Mueller


"He was not holding his party of the case", John Dowd told CNN on Saturday.

Dowd defended his attempt to have a good relationship with Mueller at first because of what he called the importance of a "" They told us the documents that They wanted, we said they were there, "he said." It was a total and open cooperation. "

Dowd first urged the President to cooperate with Mueller's investigation and to resist the public attack.He and other Trump's lawyers later advised Trump not to sit down for an interview with him. Special counsel while he and his colleagues began to argue that you can not treat the president as anyone because he is the general manager. "Rudy Giuliani, one of the current lawyers of Trump, also said that he did not think the president should pass an interview.

Dowd's resignation from the legal team last March is about came after the disagreements with Trump intensified. the president stepped up his attacks on the special advocate.

The Mueller team told Trump's lawyers that there were specific areas they felt they needed to interview the president as part of their investigation.

Does Trump want to testify? As CNN has previously reported, his enthusiasm dropped after the raid on the house, office and hotel room of his former personal attorney Michael Cohen. As Dowd points out, "the president must take a stand on the fact that he wants to testify politically, but the real point here is that it should be justified by the facts"

Overall, Dowd criticized the process. . We do not treat this process as if it 's been a political game, it' s the president.

Given Trump's increased attacks on the Mueller probe and the declining approval ratings of the special advisor, Dowd says, "Mueller has no political backing, and he does not believe it." there is no case on the president, he should just go from the front. "

While the new legal team presents new demands to the team of special advocates to accept an interview, as the New York Times reported on Friday, Dowd said: "They (l & # 39; special advocate) have the ball. "

If there is no voluntary interview, and Mueller decides to request a subpoena against Trump, Dowd predicted that he could be stuck.

"If he tries to use it and have a grand jury, what will he say to the judge? He already has everything." [19659002] Dowd also said that the argument of the Special Adviser's team was Trump was not a target.

"We answered all these questions: why are we wasting the time of the court? "he said." When all is said and done, the president is a witness and not a target. "

CNN's Kevin Bohn, Jeremy Diamond, Pamela Brown and Eli Watkins contributed to this rapper ort.

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