Hurricane Chris continues to accelerate but does not get stronger


Hurricane Chris travels at 22 mph and should continue to pick up speed for several days, and the National Hurricane Center has described it as a Category 2 storm. The maximum winds sustained are are stabilized near 100 mph, and the storm should not strengthen the rest of the year.

Some weakening is predicted for Thursday, as Chris is likely to become a strong post-tropical cyclone.

Swells are expected to reach the shores of North Carolina and central Atlantic states

"These waves could cause dangerous surf and current conditions," he said. the National Hurricane Center. , the storm was about 440 miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, moving north-east at 22 mph

Forecasters also expect that Chris produces 1 to 3 inches of rain in Newfoundland. Its center will be near southeastern Newfoundland on Thursday night.

Hurricane force winds extend up to 25 miles from the center of the storm and tropical storm force winds extend up to 90 miles, according to the hurricane center. 19659003] The storm will continue to move northeast and is expected to remain well off the United States.

There was no coastal monitoring or warning at 11 am ET Wednesday, but the National Hurricane Center suggested people in Atlantic Canada monitor the progress of the storm.

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