"I want to succeed in this club"


The Brazilian striker Neymar announced Thursday night that he would continue to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) ending speculation in the media on his continuity In the French club

At his first public appearance in Russia in 2018, the 26-year-old star explains that he arrived in France to take up a challenge, to have new things and to seek goals . He adds that he wants to succeed with the PSG and says that he hopes it's a good season

" I stay, I stay in Paris, I'm going to do it. I have a contract … Speculations, I think most of them come from the press (…) they do not know the purpose, why I went to Paris. I want to win in this club, I want to win and I hope this season is a wonderful season, "said Neymar at Fox Sports .


This announcement marked the end of two weeks of silence on the part of the Brazilian before the press after the failure of his selection in Russia, where he fell in the quarter-final against Belgium who won by 2 to 1. Rumors about his transfer led, for example, to Real Madrid to deny up to twice a purported interest to the attacker .

In this regard, the player was critical of media speculation about his future and he said that he liked the French box and his fans very much. "The press continues to invent stories and ends up speculating even more, it's a little boring," he said.

World topped

The Brazilian star said that was very sad about the elimination of Brazil in the World Cup. because he knew that there was a team to conquer the title for the sixth time.

"But fortunately it is over, the mourning has happened and we must choose to be happy, we have many more reasons to be happy". EFE / AFP

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