In Germany, the first hydrogen train in the world will begin to circulate: it only emits "water vapor" :: Info White on Black


The explanation of a specialist La Plata

The "Coradia iLint", hydrogen train developed by the company Alstom, has obtained the approval of Deutsche Bahn and plans to start to provide passenger services in September. Info BLANCO SOBRE NEGRO has consulted the railway engineer Ramón Galache, a specialist in railways on this world novelty and the horizon of local development.


The passenger service of the world's first hydrogen train will begin in September with two prototypes that will run in the Elbe-Wesser corridor in Lower Saxony, and by 2021, an estimated 14 trainings which will be manufactured by Alstom in the south of France

It is the first passenger train equipped with a fuel cell propulsion technology, efficient and non-polluting alternative to diesel, especially for the lines secondary where viable electrification

Fuel cells are powered on demand with hydrogen, while trains are powered by electric traction equipment. The batteries provide electricity through the mixture of hydrogen, stored in tanks, with oxygen from the outside air. In this process, no gas or contaminating particles are generated, the only thing that is emitted is water vapor and condensed water.

Electricity is produced without a generator or turbine, which makes the process much faster and more efficient. In motion, the world's first hydrogen train stores energy in high-performance lithium-ion batteries, which are then used as a backup during the acceleration phases.

The benefits of "Coradia iLint" are comparable to the latest generation diesel trains, with a top speed of 140 km / h, range up to one thousand kilometers and capacity to carry up to 300 passengers.

In dialogue with Info WHITE About [19659010] NEGRO the Executive Director of the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Engineering of UNLP and "railroad enthusiast" (as he confesses), Ramón Galache, explained: "A hydrogen cell generates electricity by electrolysis and feeds the electric motors of the train. Hydrogen when it decomposes produces water vapor and condensed water, without any contamination. "

Whatever the case may be, Galache said:" L & # 3939; Hydrogen is a clean energy, but the problem is that in the natural state.To separate and store, it takes a conventional energy process that has emissions.What ever, the emission level is drastically reduced.The process of separating hydrogen and setting it up in a cel lule to generate electrical energy to move the train is much more efficient than direct fuel combustion. "

" The problem is in the cost. Currently, the use of hydrogen as fuel remains very expensive. Alternative energies will sooner or later be imposed, but it will not be something spontaneous but something progressive, with the use and proliferation of new technologies. "On the horizon that Argentina should continue, Galache said:" We have the main lithium reserve in the world and yet we only extract and sell the raw material to China, which produces the batteries. From the Faculty of Engineering we have as a political line that for our energy sovereignty we must produce the batteries here. "

" With lithium, in the railway material could be made hybrid trains that are loaded by superconductors, without needing to be all the time Contact like the electric trains that we currently have. There is a developed technology in which the train has lithium batteries that recharge at certain points where it comes into contact with a catenary and then continues walking with the battery. At the Faculty, we thought about a project to electrify the university train in this way, "concluded Mr. Galache

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