Inai starts proceedings against the request of the company ""


The National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Data Protection ( Inai ) commenced a sanction procedure [19659002] against the legal entity responsible for Application "" in Mexico

Inai had detected that the company's application was working in the same way as Cambridge Analytica firm that misused millions of personal data of users of Faceboo k and allegedly served to influence the election of the United States.

Derived from the investigation initiated by the Institute's Private Investigation and Audit Branch, to corroborate compliance with the Federal Act on the Investigation and Audit of the Private Sector of the Institute the protection of personal data, Mexican companies related to the application for mobile devices called "" have been sufficiently warned to order the opening, informally, of the procedure of Verification

For this reason and on decision of the procedure of verification the Plenary of the Institute ordered the opening of the procedure of imposition of sanctions to the Against the legal entity responsible for the processing of personal data. [19659009] The above, since the company allegedly failed to comply with certain elements of confidentiality notice referred to in Article 16 of the law, carried out the processing of personal data obtained from users of the application for purposes not contained in your Privacy Notice and has not taken the necessary steps to ensure the appropriate treatment and compliance with the principles of privacy protection. personal data established by law, thereby transgressing the principles of purpose, responsibility and legality.


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