India: the building collapses with the workers inside and causes three dead | World


A six-story building under construction, collapsed Tuesday in India, killing at least three people and leaving several trapped under the rubble, authorities said.

] According to information from Firefighters at least 12 workers were in the building at the time of the collapse and it is believed that they are trapped under the rubble.

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More than 100 rescuers arrived in the area with cranes, hammers and chainsaws to remove rubble in the village of Shahberi, located about 40 kilometers west of New Delhi. Drilling was also used to remove the metal bars and reach the trapped persons

For the moment, it is not known what was the cause of the collapse but the owner of the building that was under construction and his two partners were arrested for questioning.

In India, this type of accident usually occurs due to laxity in the application of safety standards and often because they use poor quality materials. [19659002FundingofbuildingswereforthinIndiansforallthelastmayondJune-SeptemberThiswouldforth18personnagesweremortalwhentheywerefootedinordecountry

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