Infantino on Russia 2018: "It was the best World Cup in history" | Trade | World


Gianni Infantino President of the FIFA assured at a press conference that Russia 2018 was "the best World Cup in the world". ;history".

At the start of the tournament press conference, Infantino said: "Two years ago, I already said it would be the best World Cup, and today I can assure you that it was the best World Cup. "

Infantino assured that it was a" fantastic and incredible "World Cup, emphasized the climate of passion that marked the beginning of his speech he lived in the stands and thanked Russia and the organizing committee for the perfect start of the tournament and the infrastructure that they made available to the World Cup. " Most importantly, football has been talked about all the time. When I started my term, I said that I wanted to bring football to FIFA and bring FIFA closer to football and that was achieved in this World Cup ",

The President of FIFA was delighted that the perception you have of Russia around the world thanks to the World Cup.

"Russia has changed. It's become a football country. This has helped the performance of his team, but there are also beautiful and efficient infrastructures that put Russia in the "top" of football countries. They invested in the future, "he said.

" In addition, the perception of the Russian world has changed. Thousands of people have been everywhere in Russia. They discovered a beautiful country, extremely rich in culture and history. It was a great adventure for the fans. And from beginning to end, a great atmosphere of friendship between hobbies has been created. "

Infantino justified his claim because there was" a 90 percent occupation in the stadiums, seven million fans went through the "Fan Fest", recordings of visits to the websites of the tournament were broken, the VAR was a huge success and there was no positive case of doping. "

" I know what I am talking about, because it has been my job. I have been in the organization of Champions and many other tournaments and I have never seen this level of excellence. "



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