Inflation forecasts rose for the second consecutive month


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08 July 2018

Inflation expectations have risen for the second consecutive month

GDP growth forecasts have also increased, the Central Reserve Bank reported.

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The inflation expectations of the financial system and analysts at 12 months rose to 2.28% in June, reported the Central Reserve Bank ( BCR ) from the data collected in his Survey of Macroeconomic Expectations . This is the second consecutive increase in inflation expectations. In May, the 12-month expectations rose to 2.22%

On the other hand, the inflation expectations of economic analysts, the financial system and non-financial corporations for 2018 were between 2 % and 2.3%. For 2019, they were between 2.4% and 2.5%, in the target range of BCR

related article BCP estimates that inflation will end 2018 at 2.5%

The survey also collected PBI growth expectations of analysts and the financial system at 12 months, which rose from 3.7% in May to 38% in June. Like inflation, expectations have risen for the second consecutive month

Economic analysts, the financial system and corporations expect growth between 3.5% and 3.8% by 2018. [19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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